Thursday, December 18, 2008


In keeping up with the trend we have made a quick video of some action in the hangar.
The young guy is John Mark our resident coke fueled volunteer who is learning the ropes doing everything from sheetmetal work to restoring or dissasembling old parts.Also good for getting bored quickly and finding him doing things we didn,t know existed.Anyway he is young and special thanks to his dad Steve for bringing up such a great lad.He also is a great volunteer and although a lot quieter does great work and his attention to detail is a great inspiration to us all..

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More hammering

yep another frame and a half done..Frame 13 done and half of frame 12.Unfortunately some of the frames that were waterjet cut are done in T3 temper which means they are bloody difficult to work around the formers and lead to cracking issues.So making up the easy ones first..only one more weekend for us till we break for a much needed rest over the new year.Will keep up updates as we go..