Well Happy Valentines day everyone and hoping you gave your better half a wonderful day.Being single does have it,s advantages but days like today bring things into perspective.
Ok onto the big girl I date just about every Sunday..
Work continues on the intercostals and brackets and F14 being well on the way to being finished.Also one of the other leeeeetle jobs to be done was F18a,s Spine Longeron cutout.This was one frame we had very little info on and only struck it lucky with a true gentleman (Oscar Duck your a legend)letting us trace his MkXIV Spits formers.Only recently we received a F18a drawing from another contact in Germany of all places..Thanks Helmut!!!
Still undergoing a parts stocktake and going through our parts keeping process and recording of work,going to take a while but making good headway.Anyway here are the todays pics..
Great pictures, more please.
What a stunning achievement. Well Done!
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